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Wednesday, June 23, 2010



* eat peanuts
* drink coffee (2 mugs)
* drink Milk everyday (8oz or more)
* Cinnamon ( 1/2 teaspoon a day) sprinkle on cereal, yogurt , fruits, etc

Try one of the following, it could help!!!

  • SAFFLOWER OIL (as cooking oil)
  • GARLIC- 4-5 cloves daily or 2 garlic capsules daily on full stomach
  • FISH OIL (Omega 3)
  • a glass of WINE every meal
  • FRESH FRUIT- like strawberries
  • VEGETABLES - like Broccoli
  • DANDELIONS ROOTS- wash the roots thoroughly, dry and cut into inch long pieces. Then, roast in the oven on low heat (250 degrees) until they give off a coffee like aroma.  Grind and steep 1 teaspoonful of roasted dandelion in a mug of boiling water for about 5 minutes.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Anybody wants to know what's in your TOOTHPASTE ? I got this articles from ORALMD . And I want to share it with you.


A Must Read if You Have Children

Would you allow your family to brush their teeth with engine degreaser or
rat poison? The fact is, they probably are and you don’t even know it.

Dental hygiene products that you and your loved ones use every day may
contain toxins that have been linked to cancer, blindness, and even death.

Have you checked out the ingredients in your toothpaste or mouthwash

You will be shocked at what you find.

Many name-brand toothpastes and mouthwashes contain potentially
harmful ingredients, which are made up of very small molecules that may
penetrate through the tissue of your mouth and enter the blood stream,
building up in the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and tissues.
Did you ever wonder why manufacturers are required to put a warning
label on toothpastes?

Just read the label on any major brand toothpaste or mouthwash. You'll
see they are loaded with dangerous toxins and chemicals such as sodium
fluoride, triclosan, FD&C Blue Dye #1 and 2, sodium lauryl sulfate, and
hydrated silica. All of these common ingredients have been found to be
harmful to humans. (From the Safe Shoppers Bible)
1. Sodium Fluoride: Rat poison, in a tube.
Sodium fluoride, one of the main ingredients in rat poison, can also be
found in toothpaste.

You are probably aware that most toothpaste and a large number of mouth
rinses contain fluoride because that's what dentists have recommended
for years to prevent cavities.

What you probably aren’t aware of is four ounces of many popular
toothpastes contain enough fluoride to kill a small child within two to four
hours (From "Fluoride Retained From Mouth Rinses and Dentifrices in
Preschool Children.")

In children, minimal ingestion of sodium fluoride causes salivation,
nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, and diarrhea. Larger doses of the
carcinogen may cause paralysis, muscular weakness and colonic
convulsions, followed by respiratory and cardiac failure. (From
“Commercial Toothpaste - Natural or Poison?”)

If the fact that sodium fluoride is found in rat poison isn’t enough to make
you think twice, consider this. Sodium fluoride is a key component of
anesthetic, hypnotic drugs, psychiatric drugs and even sarin nerve gas.
(From "Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats.)

Want some more fun facts about fluoride? Fluoride compounds were
added to the drinking water of prisoners to keep them quiet and to hamper
noncompliance with authority, both in Nazi prison camps during World War
II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia. (From The Cold War and the

Surprisingly, fluoride has NEVER been approved by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). Additionally, a 1990 study stated that
fluoride has been shown to NOT reduce cavities.
In fact, scientists are now linking fluoride to dental deformity, arthritis and
allergic reactions. Additionally, scientists are claiming that the use of
sodium fluoride could be linked to approximately 10,000 unnecessary
deaths each year from cancer. (From “Fluoride an equivocal carcinogen.
National Cancer Institute)
2. FD&C Blue Dye # 1 & 2: Are you eating crude oil for breakfast?
These dyes are artificial colorings often found in familiar toothpaste brands
and a wide variety of other products.

Recent studies indicate that FD & C Blue Dyes 1 & 2 can trigger a wide
number of behavioral, learning, and health problems.
FD&C color dyes may also potentially cause severe allergic reactions,
asthma attacks, headaches, nausea, fatigue, nervousness, lack of
concentration, and cancer. (From “Formation of carcinogenic aromatic
amine from an azo dye by human skin bacteria in vitro” & “Skin
discoloration with blue food coloring”)

Using FD & C Blue Dyes 1 & 2 is just like ingesting crude oil as it too, is
synthesized from petroleum. These dyes were originally made from coal
tar oil, which is a black, sticky tar by-product of steel making and
petroleum distillation.

Crude oil is a source of numerous complex chemicals. Through repeated
human exposure, some of these isolated coal tar components were
classified as active carcinogens, ultimately leading to government
regulations and restrictions.
Today, coal tar dyes are synthetically engineered rather than extracted
from actual coal tar, which greatly reduces the possibility of being
contaminated with carcinogenic residuals from the coal itself.
However, the dyes still contain carcinogenic properties. Over several
decades of use, some of these synthetic dyes have come under greater
scientific and government scrutiny due to their carcinogenic and
mutagenic activity. Because of this, they are still referred to in the industry
as “coal tar dyes,” according to the FDA. (From U.S. Food & Drug
Administration. “Color Additives Fact Sheet.”)
Even if toothpaste is never swallowed, these dyes can be absorbed within
seconds through the skin on the lips, or through the mucous membrane in
the mouth. According to the Physician's Desk Reference, the mucosal
lining inside of the mouth has an absorption efficiency of over 90 percent.
Because of this, these carcinogens get into your blood, your brain, and
your cells in no time at all – especially when you consider most people use
dental care products 2 to 3 times a day. (From U.S. Food & Drug
Administration. “Color Additives Fact Sheet.”)
3. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): Used clinically to irritate skin
Perhaps the most dangerous ingredient in personal-care products is
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Because SLS has a foaming property, it is
added to toothpastes in order to generate foam; giving the impression that
the toothpaste is working. However, SLS has been found to be quite
corrosive and harmful to skin tissue says a report by the American College
of Toxicity.
In the cleaning industry, SLS is used in products such as garage floor
cleaners, engine degreasers and car wash soaps.
Elsewhere, SLS is used for clinical testing as a primary skin irritant.
Laboratories use it to irritate skin on test animals and humans so that they
may then test healing agents to see how effective they are on the irritated

The journal of the American College of Toxicology reports that SLS can
penetrate and be retained in the eye, brain, heart, and liver with potentially
harmful long- term effects.

Also found in most shampoos --including "no tears" baby shampoos--SLS
can keep children's eyes from developing properly, can cause cataracts in
adults, can delay healing at any age and impair the growth of hair.

4. Triclosan: A pesticide found in many types of toothpaste
Triclosan, a chemical used for its antibacterial properties, is an ingredient
found in numerous detergents and toothpastes.

However, the formulation and structure of this ingredient are similar to
some of the most toxic chemicals on earth. Because of this fact, triclosan
has been scrutinized in regards to human health and safety, according to
Tufts University School of Medicine.

While the companies that manufacture products containing triclosan claim
that it is safe, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has registered it as a dangerous pesticide. The EPA gives triclosan high
scores both as a human health risk and as an environmental risk, yet it is
found in the toothpastes that you use multiple times a day.

Triclosan is a chlorophenol, which is a class of chemicals that is suspected
of causing cancer in humans. Externally, phenol can cause a variety of
skin irritations, but since it can temporarily deactivate sensory nerve
endings, contact with it may cause little or no pain. Taken internally, even
in small amounts, phenol can lead to cold sweats, circulatory collapse,
convulsions, coma and death.

Additionally, chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides can be stored in body fat,
sometimes accumulating to toxic levels.

Long term exposure to repeated use of many pesticide products can
damage the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs. It can also suppress the
immune system, cause hormonal disruption, paralysis, sterility and brain
hemorrhages. (From . “Recognition and Management of Pesticide
Poisonings.” Environmental Protection Agency)

5. Hydrated Silica: A whitener that damages tooth enamel
Hydrated silica, which is primarily used as an abrasive in toothpaste, is
made from a crystallized compound found in quartz, sand, and flint. (From
“The Safe Shopper’s Bible”)

Tooth enamel re-mineralizes daily from the supply of ionic calcium and
phosphorus in the saliva. Scratching the surface of the tooth with an
abrasive such as hydrated silica harms the enamel and prevents re-
mineralization, much like using sand to clean glass. Severe wear could
eventually occur.

”The public is cautioned against excessive use of products containing
'dioforms,' which are abrasive substances that can cause the breakdown
of tooth enamel. Products containing the ingredients silica and cellulose,
in particular, should be avoided when gum disease, tooth decay, sensitivity
and receding gums are present.

While these ingredients can remove tartar and make teeth whiter in
appearance, they also may do harm to dental health by altering the acidic
balance of the mouth, gums and tongue,” said Dr. Warren Scherer, New
York University College of Dentistry, as reported by The Naples Daily

6. Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate: strongly implicated as the causative
factor in certain hypersensitivity reactions.

Sodium pyrophosphate--also called tetrasodium pyrophosphate or
tetrasodium phosphate--is a slightly toxic and mildly irritating colorless
transparent crystalline chemical compound with the formula Na4P2O7 and
CAS number 7722-88-5.

Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate can be a colorless or white crystalline powder
that is often used as a pH buffer and emulsifier. Tetrasodium
Pyrophosphate promotes the binding of protein and water as well as the
binding of soy particles.

It is also a source of the nutrient phosphorus. Tetrasodium
Pyrophosphate has many uses, such as thickening pudding, and can be
found in toothpaste as it removes calcium and magnesium from saliva to
prevent their depositing on teeth. In toothpaste and dental floss, sodium
pyrophosphate acts as a tartar control agent, serving to remove calcium
and magnesium from saliva and thus preventing them from being
deposited on teeth.

Sounds great right? Consider this: exposure to tetrasodium
pyrophosphate causes irritation in humans. It is an alkaline chemical and
acute exposures have resulted in mild to moderate irritation of the
eyes, skin, nose, throat, and respiratory passages.

Tetrasodium pyrophosphate in a dentifrice forms a slightly alkaline
solution upon oral use which could irritate oral membranes.
Second, increased concentrations of flavoring agents, known to be
sensitizers, are needed to mask the strong bitter taste of pyrophosphates
Many of the chemical based personal products we use just like in
shampoo can be absorbed directly into the blood stream, by-passing
the entire digestive system. Some of these synthetic ingredients pass
through the body and leave it but others are not so kind. They are
deposited in certain glands and organs and accumulate there. For
example an independent scientist reported in his research findings that
Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, which is an abundant ingredient in most
toothpaste, absorbs through the skin and can accumulate in the
eyes causing cataracts.

Acute exposure to tetrasodium pyrophosphate may cause mild to
moderate irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and respiratory
passages. No signs or symptoms of chronic exposure to tetrasodium
pyrophosphate have been reported in humans. Symptoms may include
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Phosphates are slowly and incompletely
absorbed when ingested, and seldom result in systemic effects. Such
effects, however, have occurred.

Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, blood chemistry
effects, heart disturbances and central nervous system effects. The
toxicity of phosphates is due to their ability to sequester calcium. Chronic
ingestion or inhalation may induce systemic phosphorous poisoning. Liver
damage, kidney damage, jaw/tooth abnormalities, blood disorders and
cardiovascular effects can result.

Dangers in Toothpaste can lead to very serious consequences, including
the disconnection of gum tissue from teeth, and even tooth breakage and
tooth loss.

There are many simple ways of fighting gum disease but the most
effective is seriously diligent oral care using an effective dental care
product. Health risks from chemicals and toxins in oral hygiene products
are the most avoidable of all the health risks we face.
You don't have to be a biochemist to get these risks out of your life. It's as
simple as changing brands.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Why don't you make GREEN TEA a habit. GREEN TEA IS VERY HEALTHY!!!

* it is a protection against Cancer
* help reduce risk of stroke
* have healthy gums
* help lose weight
* cleanses your system
* melts the fat in your body (base on my experience)
* helps you become regular....
* drink it hot or cold
* when you're at work, one bag a day, just keep adding water...
* want it cold, just add icecubes and sugar to sweeten....2 tea bags to make it stronger...

I just ordered my favorite is so addicting.. I love the taste and the smell.  I've tried it with milk and was good...when my order comes in, I'm gonna try it with International Delight french vanilla creamer.I bet it will taste good. And also, I ordered the book The How to Herb Book. I can't wait for the revised one.  Just to let you guys know.


Try one of the following teas before meals:
  • Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) - 2 (380MG) tablets 20 minutes before meals, chew the tablets slowly, or take a half teaspoonful of DGL powder between meals (before meals)
  • ABSORBAID ( made from digestive enzymes)- take these capsules both during and after meals

 After meals:

  • MEADOWSWEET TEA- add 1-2 teaspoonful of dried meadowsweet flowers to 1 cup of boiling water.  Steep for 8-10 minutes then drain. 

  • BAKING SODA- mix a teaspoonful of Baking soda in 4oz of water, stirring until it is completely dissolved then drink the whole glass. BE SURE NOT TO EXCEE 8 TEASPOONFULS IN 24 HOUR PERIOD.   FOR OVER 60 YEARS OLD, NOT TO EXCEED 4 TEASPOONFULS. FOR CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OLD, NOT BE GIVEN THIS AT ALL AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE ON LOW SODIUM DIET.
  • SLIPPERY ELM ROOT POWDER- 1 teaspoonful with a teaspoonful of honey and ingest.